

The Language Center First English Test

We invite you to take our complementary English test to provide you with an indication of your level of English proficiency. Try your best to answer these questions.

Once you have completed the test, you will be provided with your results.

TLC English Web Test

1 / 23

….... students are very advanced.  

2 / 23

Do you live here?  

3 / 23

How is your wife?        

4 / 23

Last April my brother …..... a new iPad.    

5 / 23

He is driving…............the street.      

6 / 23

I've got a …..time left to finish it.     

7 / 23

….. Netflix every evening?   

8 / 23

He wants .... to become a doctor.        

9 / 23

Don't come back to work…..... better.        

10 / 23

How long…...to fly to Helsinki?        

11 / 23

He asked me what…........         

12 / 23

Peter stopped smoking last year. He ….... a packet a day.         

13 / 23

Who….... you to invest in stocks?         

14 / 23

She'd been working for two hours when she stopped …........ a cigarette.         

15 / 23

Could you ..... me on Tuesday? I'm away on a course.

16 / 23

....... a university drop out, he is a successful business man.

17 / 23

.......... his advice i would never have got the job.

18 / 23

My desk is so ............. with papers that it was hard to find anything.

19 / 23

Manchester is well worth ............ if you are are in the area.

20 / 23

I'm glad you…....the meeting.         

21 / 23

Please respond to this question: Where do you want to be in your career in 5 years?

22 / 23

Please respond to this question: What would you like to achieve with our Personalized Study Program to improve your English?

23 / 23

Please respond to this question: Describe your job.

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