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TLC English Web Test

1 / 23

….... students are very advanced.  

2 / 23

Do you live here?  

3 / 23

How is your wife?        

4 / 23

Last April my brother …..... a new iPad.    

5 / 23

He is driving…............the street.      

6 / 23

I've got a …..time left to finish it.     

7 / 23

….. Netflix every evening?   

8 / 23

He wants .... to become a doctor.        

9 / 23

Don't come back to work…..... better.        

10 / 23

How long…...to fly to Helsinki?        

11 / 23

He asked me what…........         

12 / 23

Peter stopped smoking last year. He ….... a packet a day.         

13 / 23

Who….... you to invest in stocks?         

14 / 23

She'd been working for two hours when she stopped …........ a cigarette.         

15 / 23

Could you ..... me on Tuesday? I'm away on a course.

16 / 23

....... a university drop out, he is a successful business man.

17 / 23

.......... his advice i would never have got the job.

18 / 23

My desk is so ............. with papers that it was hard to find anything.

19 / 23

Manchester is well worth ............ if you are are in the area.

20 / 23

I'm glad you…....the meeting.         

21 / 23

Please respond to this question: Where do you want to be in your career in 5 years?

22 / 23

Please respond to this question: What would you like to achieve with our Personalized Study Program to improve your English?

23 / 23

Please respond to this question: Describe your job.

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